Guest: Adrian Incledon-Webber, House Healer and Geomancer, Richmond, United Kingdom.
Host: René Stevens, CEO/Owner ATELIER V real estate + Founder/Host The ‘E’ of real estate podcast – Amersfoort, The Netherlands/ Colwyn Bay, United Kingdom.
In this episode of The “E” of real estate podcast, we will explore the concept of ‘health and well-being in a learn/work environment (physical/digital/social). We will talk about the subtle unseen energies that can be detrimental to our health. Part of it is earth and building-related, part is electro-smog related and a big part is related to human thoughts and emotions.
The story of a real estate agent who made the transition from a left-brain materialistic life view towards a holistic (left + right brain balanced) one, to become a successful building healer and geomancer.
Disharmony and unbalances in the inner and/or outer environment creates stress for humans. Stress is an organism’s total response to environmental demands or pressures. There are several forms of environmental stress.
- Geopathic Stress: is a generic term used to cover all the seen and unseen energy patterns around, in most cases they are detrimental.
- Archipathic stress: forms, shapes and proportions. Fabric and treatment including the finish of building materials.
- Technopathic stress: electromagnetic radiation.
- Sociopathic stress: detrimental energies generated by us humans through thoughts and emotions.
- Spiritpathic stress: attachments, ghosts and lost souls, psychic attacks and cords.