Human-centred approach
Accommodation is not only about the right physical and digital working environment but also about how people feel and act in their working environments. It is about their passion and commitment to their work, how they collaborate and share ideas to create added value for the organisation and, at the same time, for their own well-being, the so-called social environment. Plus, overall, it contributes to the betterment of society and the planet. People are energy systems.
The page Bridging Real Estate and the Real State of Humans gives a broader context. Most Real Estate, Facility Management, and IT departments focus heavily on aligning workplaces ‘outer environment with organisational strategy. But what about the ‘inner environment’ (body, mind, heart, spirit) of the people working in the built ‘outer environment’ (physical, digital, social)?
Today’s science was yesterday’s magic. Don’t trust the boundaries or the knowledge you have been given as the limit or the final truth.
New Science Paradigm
“Science was originally defined as observing steps or factors leading to a phenomenon. Unfortunately, in mainstream orthodox science, quantitative measurements are regarded by many as the main criterion for defining science itself, rather than its tool.” (Dr Ibrahim Karim)
In recent decades, cutting-edge scientists across numerous research fields like quantum physics, consciousness, wave genetics, morphic resonance information network, biology, neuroscience, parapsychology, psychometry, environmental psychology, sonocytology, cymatics and the social sciences have dived into deep water. They made paradigm-changing breakthrough discoveries that prove that everything consists of interconnected energy fields that are mutable and influenceable. Everything is energy, and energy is everything. These discoveries open up whole new possibilities for a greatly enhanced and expanded human experience. The contemporary ‘heretics’ in science will become the future ‘saints’ in science. However, many laymen will still classify it as WSFM (Weird Science & Freaking Magic).
The scientific establishment ignores and suppresses these discoveries to preserve the status quo. Stretching the rigid boundaries of mainstream analytical and quantitative science towards the opposite pole of qualitative subtle energy realms of consciousness, emotions, thoughts, and intention will ultimately lead to more consensus among scientists about the (re)integration of science (quantitative) and spirituality (qualitative). The emerging paradigm opens possibilities for a greatly enhanced and expanded human experience.
Physics is not what you think it is. Energy can be perceived in three ways:
- You can see/hear/smell/taste/touch it, and measure (objects).
- You cannot perceive it through the five senses but can measure it (radio waves, electricity, etc.).
- You cannot perceive it through the five senses nor measure it but experience/sense it (6th sense).
We are moving towards the science of consciousness, for which we are all pre-wired. This science enables us to interact with the intelligent field that underlies our existence and will open up almost infinite possibilities for healing, communication, and sharing information and energy. Most people seem to have no idea what they can do if only they would try. Do the practical stuff and access your blueprint—experience is the only teacher.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
(Nikola Tesla 1856-1943)
The interconnected energy fields combine ‘subtle energy’ (or ‘life force’, which goes beyond the electromagnetic range) and the chemical or electrical bio-energy forms recognized by orthodox mainstream science. The non-physical (spiritual) always operates through and within the physical world. However, our current mainstream scientific quantitative measuring devices cannot measure subtle energy itself, only some of the physical effects.
Mainstream science defines energy as the ability to produce an effect. Not in what it really is but through one of its physical effects. Frontier scientists came up with a new scientific paradigm that thoughts are things that affect other things that are outside yourself. Humans produce electric and magnetic fields – their absence is usually a sign of death. Therefore, we must expand the concept of energy to include thoughts, emotions, and spirituality in the energy equation of the eco-system of Bricks, Bytes, and Behaviour. By doing so, we can connect the Inner Environment (mind, body, heart, soul) with the Outer Environment (physical, digital, social).
“All significant breakthroughs are breakWITHs old ways of thinking” – (Thomas Kuhn 1922-1996)
“The old Newtonian paradigm is based on the ideas of determinism, separatism, reductionism and materialism. Saying that everything can be isolated and reduced to its individual parts. Which must function in a linear, logical, clockwise way. Things should be predictable and controllable. This cuts us off from spirit and choice and encourages separation, which feeds ego and greed. Creating a world out of balance. In the new quantum paradigm, ‘things’ are complementary contextual, conscious and connected.” (Dr Theresa Bullard).
The Quantum Universe is not filled with separate objects but is a single organism of interconnected energy fields in a constant state of becoming. The Universe is alive and intelligent. Humans are quantum beings, too, and interact with the intelligent field that underlies our existence. A stream of energy exists in the Universe and is called the sound current or sound of creation. The world is constantly oscillating; these pulsating waves are interpreted through our senses, which also pulsate and interact with the wave, creating our individual interpretation of the environment.
The scientific physics definition of a field (of frequencies) is the invisible moving forces that influence the physical world. By the way, this is the exact definition of the ancient word spirit. Energy and vibrations are more fundamental than matter. Vibrations create matter.
What we feed into this ocean of frequencies can determine the direction of our lives. It is essential to be conscious of our thoughts, emotions and intentions. Everybody has the potential to use the energy of sound, colour, light and other electromagnetic frequencies both physically and generated from a higher state of awareness within yourself without any physical objects. As Dr Steven A. Ross said, “What a manmade device or drug can do for your health, so can you by using the power of your imagination, faith and will.”
“Matter and spirit are like two ends of the spectrum of energy vibrations, where matter is of the densest frequency levels and spirit of the highest. What is vibrating? According to some consciousness itself.”
Tuning into higher frequencies can be similar to switching radio stations. But sometimes, we can’t hear the music because our audible electromagnetic spectrum is limited. Thoughts and words are pulsating vibrations and can also influence what we manifest. External sounds and vibrations can also impact or awaken our spirit at the high end of the spectrum. It is a reciprocal system between our inner and outer worlds. This system is a tool to achieve a more excellent state of coherence and harmony within ourselves and our surroundings, creating a resonance effect that will uplevel and shift consciousness.
We are individually tuned, like tuning forks. This means that we all have the capacity to influence or affect everything and everyone that we come into contact with at every moment. The human body interacts with its outer environment through electromagnetic waves. We are energy beings consisting of a human biofield and the information technology we have been waiting for.
The biofield is a set of inner penetrating and inner acting fields of energy and information that guide our health and well-being. Take up creatorship for your life experiences and the responsibility that comes with them. Take charge of our tuner and start aligning with the highest possible frequencies, becoming the best version of ourselves. In this way, we also directly influence the collective. Each of us has a choice in the frequency and vibration that comes from within us.
Elevating our consciousness by finding the right quality sound /vibration/frequency that can target a particular subtle body and become a vibrational carrier wave on which higher information and higher energy can travel. We can tune ourselves to a higher state of being by being open to the universe and sonic tools. We can use our Outer Environment similarly to create an entrainment field to bring people into a specific resonance effect. Adding an intention adds a coherent field to impact the collective society more broadly.
The biofield is an organising field consisting of energy current flows that create electromagnetic fields that we can measure. It informs us about our sense of harmony within ourselves and our Outer Environment. The biofield controls all of the chemistry and physiology in the body. But consciousness, or the mind, is the master of the biofield. The biofield is part of our life force and the bridge between the mind and the body.
“If you think that the world is only material, then you are missing a huge part of human experience.”
(Dr. Peter Fenwick)
Everything is energy, and energy shapes matter. Albert Einstein’s famous equation E=mc² tells us that on one side of the equation is energy (E), and on the other is mass (m). He also pointed in the direction that the solid material realm is all energy with his quote: “The field (energy) is the sole governing agency of the particle (matter).” Energy is the force that shapes matter. It is continuously vibrating.
Nobel prize winner Werner Heisenberg taught us in 1931 that energy makes up 99.9999999 % of reality. Or say it differently: the physical reality is made up of 99.9999999 % ‘no-thingness’.
Matter is not a thing. There are no things in matter. The only reality is the vibration of energies, so-called quanta or particles being condensed forms of fluctuating energy. So matter is made up of fields of energy, as are humans.
This implies that matter is, in reality, a wave, energy, or vibration state that encompasses many different energy fields and is eventually perceived as a physical state because of the limits of our five human senses.
Since any physical element, in reality, is composed of thawing waves, then the balancing state is a product of a specific wave or frequency. There is a dance that takes place between the energy within us and the energies around us. The body, our bio-vehicle, is not a thing but a process. By increasing your energy level and choosing more carefully thoughts, emotions, diet, the company of people, information, and the environment, you influence which outside energy ranges resonate and, therefore, affect you. It allows us to access and channel the energy of The Field at will and awaken and self-regulate the soft technology within that gives us access to a vast array of extraordinary potentials that are latent within us.
The discoveries of German physicist Max Planck regarding a fundamental “Field” of electromagnetic energy and information present in the structure of space that permeates all of creation reveal that we humans are 99.999% made up of electromagnetically charged space. This implies that we have the ability to access and channel that energy at will.
Max Planck said it as follows: “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume that behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
The invisible is shaping the visible. Quantum physics defines the energy field as invisible moving forces influencing the physical world. All invisible fields are measured by their effects. By the way, the same definition applies to spirituality and consciousness. So thoughts and emotions have the power to manifest into reality because they give shape and form to the way the energy field is organised.
This opens up new possibilities that can be applied in areas such as medicine and self-regulation of our Inner Environment and biology. It will enhance and expand the human experience more than we ever imagined possible. As humans, we have remarkable abilities that we are only beginning to fully understand and gain access to.
“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” (Nobel Prize-winning Max Planck, German physicist and the father of quantum theory)
Some of the new scientific groundbreaking discoveries in Physics and Biology that lead to new belief systems and values, how we relate to one another, and how we treat nature and the world around us are:
- Energy is shaping matter. Consciousness (energy/belief) is creating our life experiences. Consciousness informs itself through its creations. Perceived sensory reality is a tiny part of absolute reality. Reality is created by exchanging information from the internal (mind, body, heart, spirit) to the external (physical, digital, social)— and vice versa, and communication between interconnected fields of energy. Energy has no barriers, so everything in the universe is part of the same energy. That means no separation. There is no such thing as a closed system in isolation from the rest of the universe. Awareness is naturally produced by the reception, integration, processing, and transmission of information. Matter and energy are identical in nature but different in degree. Everything is connected in one field of energy.
- Space is not empty. The space/vacuum “between” objects is full of a vast energy potential that seamlessly connects all things and governs electromagnetic and information flow. Truly empty space cannot exist. The vacuum is the absence of matter but where the infinite possibilities for matter exist. There is a unifying field of energy, the animating principle of creation (also referred to as Aether, Life Force, Prana, Chi, Ki, Orgone, Void, Torsion, Psychic energy, The Matrix, The (Universal) Field, Laws of Nature, Universal Mind, Spirit) that surrounds and permeates all things, as a liquid fills a cup. It is a physical quantity with a property/value for each point/coordinate in space and time that consists of holographic, entangled, and fractal elements.
- Energy is information. Information is vibration getting into form/matter. Because all matter is contained in and made of the aether, it is not innately inanimate – there is a quality of life and intelligence to all matter. Consciousness informs itself through its creations, the living Universe. Reality behaves as a unified system of energy packets. The holographic nature of information in the vacuum structure, where every proton has all the information of all other protons in the Universe. The information we receive from the aether makes the awakening of deep intuition possible when accessed.
- A shift in thinking. Energy, not chemistry, is the body’s communication system, and our brain is not a repository of information but a transducer, an antenna sending and receiving information from its environment. Information and awareness are non-local to the biological receiver, as the programming of a radio station is non-local to the radio receiver in your home. The brain acts as a receiver and transmitter, just as voices coming from the radio are not from people inside it but from the reception by the device of invisible electromagnetic radio waves encoding the information. Humans are 99.999% made up of electromagnetically charged space, allowing us to access and channel that energy at will. If the brain is the antennae of the radio set, the tuning dial is the heart, which defines the frequency of information received through the fluid dynamics rhythm of your body and which can be altered by your emotional state.
- The Universe is alive. A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that the Universe is alive, conscious, intelligent, and ordered and that humankind is the product of something beyond random mutations, so-called lucky biology. Humankind is the only form of life with the ability to self-regulate and upgrade DNA and genes consciously at will and on demand to self-regulate our immune system, longevity, and enzymes. By thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs, we create chemicals in our bodies to regulate.
- Size doesn’t matter. The Universe is holographic, entangled, and consists of fractal elements, each containing the whole. There is a bond between the smallest particles of our being, between our bodies and their outer environment, and between ourselves and all of the people with whom we are in contact. We humans have dormant superpowers of “soft” technology made of neurons, cells and crystalline structures. Giving us access to a vast array of extraordinary potentials like a super-immune response, super resilience to change, telepathy, and intuitive and extrasensory experiences. Experiments have shown that thoughts and emotions can travel faster than the speed of light. It is not bound by the linear flow of time but is connected to the present, future, and past, opening doors to transcend the limits of time and space.
- The power of resonance. Resonance is the vibrational connection that exists between everything in the Universe. The Law of Resonance (Universal Harmonics) connects the same qualities (octaves) from the shortest to the longest string in an instrument. Enriched environments that promote sensory, motor, cognitive, and social engagement can aid neurogenesis and prevent cognitive decline by resonance. Complex-place contexts (enrichment + engagement) and positive associations can help strengthen cognitive activity and reduce stress. The brain is malleable and can generate new connections through neurogenesis.
- The perception of the heart is holistic. The human heart has specialized cells that think, feel, remember, and process independently of the brain or the body. These cells make deep levels of healing and higher levels of awareness possible through greater heart/brain harmony within the Field, making self-regulation of our own biology possible.
- The power of thought. Mind over matter. Our human thoughts and emotions create energy, which is beneficial but also detrimental to our inner and outer environments. Thoughts are broadcasting and go outside our heads, traversing into the biofield of other people and things and affecting and altering them, even remotely and beyond time. Thoughts and emotions are the primary creators of our life experiences, which can energize or drain our own and others’ life energy.
- The energy of human thought can alter its environment. Linger effect of intention. If groups of people in the same spot continuously intend, it creates a conditioned space. The space itself appears to hold a phantom charge of coherent energetic resonance. This implies that the Zero Point energy of empty space has shifted into a state of greater coherence. The ‘charge’ of intention may have a domino effect on its environment, causing greater quantum order in empty space, which would enhance the effectiveness of its aim. The effect is like that of a laser; when waves of the ambient Field become more ordered, an intention may ripple through it like one highly targeted bolt of light.
“The day that science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” (Nikola Tesla)
We cannot help but leave energetic traces of ourselves behind, as we are all emotional beings broadcasting 24/7. Connection, belonging, fairness, and giving to others are deep human needs and important keys to health and well-being. When humanity’s collective energy broadcasts a shared consciousness of harmony, health, and happiness, the world will reflect the same.
When a group of people align at the same time their intentions (being a way of thinking or feeling about something that’s going to happen and anchoring their senses as if the outcome has already come to pass), it magnifies the effect. The size of the group doesn’t matter. Each of us is an “element of change,” and the more people who can step into a shared consciousness of health, happiness and harmony, the closer the world will resemble that inner space.
We have a physical body with non-physical abilities.
We are energy beings (spirits) controlling a physical body through which we experience the world. Our human bio-vehicle is far better equipped with its ‘soft’ technology made out of neurons, cells, and crystalline structures than any artificial machine. The new scientific findings are pointing toward rediscovering the lost and forgotten manual to awaken our extraordinary potential as humans to apply practically in our daily lives. With the user’s guide, it is easier to navigate. It gives knowledge, which is power, another step towards self-empowerment to tap into, learn and enhance our non-physical abilities to change our health and environment. To create visible results out of the invisible, making the intangible tangible.
As Nassim Haramein says: “Changes you make in your daily life are usually the result of shifts in your knowledge and understanding of the mechanics of the structure of space and your interaction with it.”
Paradigm Shift
A new understanding is emerging that the old paradigm of survival, competition and separation is not sustainable anymore; it is even catastrophic. Its structure and systems no longer serve and will break down and eventually fall away, allowing our true nature of connection, support, interdependence and cooperation to come forward and be enhanced. This will create a new worldview aligned with natural principles and a healthy, balanced and appropriate relationship with nature, Earth and all life. It will also lead to a change in the ecosystem of the inner and outer environment.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” (Architect Buckminster Fuller)
How do we thrive in the birthing process of the “new normal” environment and the global shift in consciousness during these extreme transformational times, which are pivotal moments in history? How do we navigate this tremendous social, economic, political, and technological shift we are going through? There is a bright future before us; don’t despair because of mainstream media news. The breakdown of systems we’re experiencing today is good news. Embrace the change and utilize its momentum to embark on an adventurous exploration journey to take control of your story in your own hands and become a co-creator of the best version of yourself and a better world.
Working together, we will successfully create a new, desired environmental ecosystem. We must continue the transformational journey to replace existing models with new ones. Temporary instability, chaos, and crisis are required to change behaviour and move from the old to the new structure, like the natural process of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.
We’re all entangled as energy beings, and when we collectively broadcast our thoughts, they manifest into our experience of the world. This means that simply changing those thoughts will change our world. This gives us—both as individuals and collectively—a huge responsibility to be consciously aware of the power of our thoughts and emotions. Focus on the emerging desired new model instead of the falling apart of the familiar old model.
It is up to us to transform ourselves to see and access the potential within ourselves first and eventually apply it to our outer environment. We also measure our success through achievements of increasing well-being for all of life and the integrity of healthy and balanced relationships. Embracing such a transformation amid circumstances that may not support such a shift takes courage and conviction.
Unleashing Hidden Powers
Front-leader employers have to show leadership and facilitate this process of unleashing their employees’ hidden powers. By doing so, they can contribute not only to the profits of their organisations but also to a rise in consciousness and prosperity for society.
“Employee wellness is still not being given much importance despite the priority on attracting and retaining the best people and achieving better productivity.”
(Source: ‘Maximising your Business’s Value through Workplace Strategy’ by Property Directors Forum)
A growing body of research demonstrates that transparency in leadership and creating a safe space for open communication is directly linked with employee engagement, effectiveness, and trust in leadership and, therefore, are essential parts of the social environment. This is feedforward feedback to consciously understand at a deeper level the dynamics of how to inspire and motivate people and visualise the desired outcome in their organisation. An intellectual understanding is far from sufficient; it must be felt.
Organisations that back up their talk about health and well-being with significant actions create a work culture where work and personal needs are balanced. These organisations prioritise and treat it as a business-critical skill for a more resilient workforce. Besides providing a healthy and safe learning/work environment, personal well-being can also be enhanced, e.g., by a sense of purpose, community belonging, respect, spiritual connection, nutrition, exercise, meditation, and time to recharge. Like any skill, well-being must be regularly practised.
Forward-thinking employers provide tailormade training and self-development tools and programs to improve the skills needed to transcend self-imposed limitations, achieve employee empowerment and individual wellbeing. Supporting people to invest in themselves and make an effort to incorporate the new scientific discoveries about interconnected, mutable and influenceable energy fields in their daily lives.
Employing a holistic design philosophy for the learning and working environment goes beyond surface-level considerations, recognizing and embracing the profound interconnectedness between the built environment and the above-mentioned groundbreaking discoveries. By cultivating a seamless coexistence between the natural and man-made environment, this approach aims to elevate the quality of life for users. It enhances the physical space and facilitates the unleashing of untapped human potential, unlocking hidden and boundless capabilities.