Guest: Dr Lydia de León, a Greek Architect and Wellness Coach, creator of Healing Architecture and co-founder of Geophilia, Mexico.
Host: René Stevens, CEO/Owner ATELIER V real estate + Founder/Host The ‘E’ of real estate podcast – The Netherlands / United Kingdom.
From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Research. In this podcast, we explore the relationship between people and the environment.
If you change the environment, you change the people.” (Architect R. Buckminster Fuller) “Show me your learn/work environment and I’ll tell you who you are.” (Architect René Stevens)
Esoteric and ancient traditions and the scientific aspects are in a way the golden ratio to bridge them together. Doing so is the closest we can get to reality. Balancing the left and right sides of our brain to understand better the reality we live in.
Adding two pieces of scientific research to the quote of Buckminster Fuller.
1. Application of epigenetics in architecture. The groundbreaking research of Dr Bruc Lipton. The cells get sick depending on the information that the cell membrane receives from its environment.
2. Blue zones are about living better and longer. Research of the world’s longest-lived cultures. The number one parameter for transforming well-being at every level is the environment.